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Ellen Moyer, PhD

BooksMoyer, E. 2025 (second edition) and 2017 (first edition). Our Earth, Our Species, Our Selves: How to Thrive While Creating a Sustainable World. Greenvironment Press, 280 pp. See Our Earth, Our Species, Our Selves at Moyer, E. and P. Kostecki, editors. 2003. MTBE Remediation Handbook. Amherst Scientific Publishers, Amherst, Massachusetts. Second printing 2004. Springer Science + Business Media, Secaucus, NJ. 670 pp. E. Moyer also wrote the chapters “Introduction” and “Chemical and Physical Properties” and co-wrote the chapter “Natural Attenuation of Benzene and MTBE at 4 Midwestern U.S. Sites.” Click below for a description and see MTBE Remediation Handbook at Moyer, E. 1985. Economics of Leak Detection ‑ A Case Study Approach. American Water Works Association, Denver, CO, 41 pp.
Dissertation and ThesisMoyer, E. 1993. Investigation of Diffusion and Biodegradation of Vapor Phase Petroleum Hydrocarbons. Doctoral dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, September 1993, 238 pp. Moyer, E. 1984. The Economics of Leak Detection and Repair Programs. Masters thesis, Department of Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Program, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 90 pp.
Articles (>15)Moyer, E., J. Lowe, D. MacPhaul, C. Etter, and L. Lund. 2009. Addressing soil gas vapor intrusion using sustainable building solutions. Remediation Journal, Fall 2009, pp. 17-33. Abstract available at: Moyer, E. 2008. 1,4-Dioxane - regulatory developments, uses, properties, assessment, and remediation. Massachusetts Licensed Site Professional Association Online Technical Journal, 10 pp. Juneau, A. Jr., E. Moyer, and J. O’Connell. 2007. Case study of ex situ remediation and conversion to a combined in situ/ex situ bioremediation approach at an oxygenated gasoline release site. Remediation Journal, Spring 2007, pp. 19-37. Abstract available at: Sloan, R. and E. Moyer. 2002. Editorial: MTBE issues – an update. Contaminated Soil, Sediment & Water, July/August 2002, pp. 10-11. Moyer, E., J. Erickson, and F. McGarry. 2002. Correlation of MTBE detections in New Hampshire public water systems with documented potential petroleum sources. Contaminated Soil, Sediment & Water, July/August 2002, pp. 23-26. Gregg, W., E. Moyer, C. Boehm, and M. Day. 2001. Multi-state survey of gasoline constituents in Midwest United States groundwater. Contaminated Soil, Sediment & Water, August 2001, pp. 25-30. Cataldo, R. and E. Moyer. 2001, Overcoming MTBE myths. Environmental Protection, May 2001. Available at: Finneran, K., D. Lovley, and E. Moyer. 2001. Anaerobic strategies for enhanced MTBE and TBA bioremediation. Contaminated Soil, Sediment & Water, Spring 2001, pp. 91-94. Cataldo, R. and E. Moyer. 2001. Remediation of releases containing MTBE at gas station sites. Contaminated Soil, Sediment & Water, Spring 2001, pp. 87-90. Robb, J. and E. Moyer. 2001. Natural attenuation of benzene and MTBE at four Midwestern retail gasoline marketing outlets. Contaminated Soil, Sediment & Water, Spring 2001, pp. 64-71. Sweet, F. and E. Moyer. 2000. Storing gasoline underground - a comparative analysis of existing regulations and practices. Contaminated Soil, Sediment & Water, Spring 2000. Moyer, E. and A. Parsons. 1998. Regulatory reform encourages cost-effective remediation. Chemical Processing, February 1998, pp. 28-35. Moyer, E., D. Ostendorf, R. Richards, and S. Goodwin. 1996. Petroleum hydrocarbon bioventing kinetics determined in soil core, microcosm, and tubing cluster studies. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 16:1:141-153. Moyer, E., D. Ostendorf, D. Kampbell, and Y. Xie. 1994. Field trapping of subsurface vapor phase hydrocarbons. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 14:110-119. Ostendorf, D., E. Moyer, Y. Xie, and R. Rajan. 1993. Hydrocarbon vapor diffusion in intact core sleeves. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 13:139-150. Ostendorf, D., E. Moyer, R. Richards, E. Hinlein, Y. Xie, and R. Rajan. 1992. LNAPL Distribution and Hydrocarbon Vapor Transport in the Capillary Fringe. USEPA Report 600/R‑92/247. Government Printing Office, Washington DC, 122 pp. Jankauskas, J., A. Magee, E. Moyer, and W. Rizzo, Jr. 1986. Site assessments to determine the presence of hazardous materials. Journal of Real Estate Development, 1:3:22‑29. Moyer, E., J. Male, I. Moore, and J. Hock. 1983. The economics of leak detection and repair ‑ a case study. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 75:1:29‑34.
Conference Proceedings (>5)Klemme, D., K. Romstad, and E. Moyer. 2007. Technology selection for gasoline-impacted groundwater. Proceedings of the National Ground Water Association Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water conference, 11/5-6/07, Houston, TX. O’Connell, J. and E. Moyer. 2007. MTBE and TBA remediation using fluidized bed bioreactors. Proceedings of the National Ground Water Association Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water conference, 11/5-6/07, Houston, TX. O’Connell, J. and E. Moyer. 2006. Ex situ remediation of fuel oxygenates and petroleum hydrocarbons using bioreactors. Proceedings of the National Ground Water Association Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water conference, 11/6-7/06, Houston, TX. Robb, J. and E. Moyer. 2001. Natural attenuation of dissolved benzene and MTBE – two case studies. Proceedings of the Battelle Sixth International Symposium on In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, 6/4-7/01, San Diego, CA. Cataldo, R. and E. Moyer. 2001. Lessons learned from remediating over 60 gasoline releases containing MTBE. Proceedings of the American Chemical Society Twenty-Second National Meeting, 5/01, Chicago, IL. Moyer, E., D. Ostendorf, R. Richards, and S. Goodwin. 1995. Hydrocarbon biodegradation kinetics in an intact unsaturated zone soil core. In Situ Aeration: Air Sparging, Bioventing, and Related Remediation Processes, Battelle Press, Columbus, OH, pp. 433-440. Ostendorf, D., E. Moyer, and E. Hinlein. 1993. Petroleum hydrocarbon sparging from intact core sleeve samples. Proceedings of the National Ground Water Association Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water conference, 11/10-12/93, Houston, TX. Moyer, E. and D. Ostendorf. 1992. Field trapping of subsurface hydrocarbon vapors. Proceedings of the Subsurface Restoration Conference, 6/21‑24/92, Dallas, TX, pp. 171‑173.
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